I was asked to perform on a remote island in the middle of winter. It had to be one of the worst snow storms in years that day. After hours of driving, Google Maps decided to take me on the “scenic” route to the ferry dock. Given that all of the roads were covered in snow, I figured that the GPS is never wrong and followed the navigation into a forest. Sure enough, my car got stuck with a cliff just a foot to the right.

In a panic, I go to call the organizers of the event but there is no cell reception. It’s getting dark and I’m stuck not having any idea in the world where I am. I get out of the car in my 3 piece suit in knee high snow and start walking in the forest until I see a cabin in the far distance. Now watching my fair share of horror movies, I’m reluctant but literally have no choice but to see if I can get help. I walk up to the cabin, covered in snow to my waist, knock on the door and I’m greeted by one of the nicest guys that I have ever met. I tell him that my car is stuck to which he instantly gets a rope, some chain and pulls out a big pick up truck to tow my car back to the main road. Apparently the GPS took me on the summer route.

Now I finally arrive at the ferry dock to find out that the ferry is not operating and we would have to drive across the lake. The organizers assured me that the lake was 80% frozen. After seeing signs the whole way down that “No Ice is Safe Ice”, it got me wondering about the 20% that was not frozen…LOL! Needless to say, I transferred my equipment into the organizers truck and we drove across while I held my breath for 20 minutes. As I said before, the show must go on!

Life On Tour

I’m writing today returning from a last minute event in San Diego. Hopping from one city to the next while trying to take it all in and appreciate the moments off the stage makes it all worthwhile. I visited La Jolla Cove which was a beach with seals & sea lions everywhere. It was so remarkable watching them for hours before my show.

Check out this video that I took…



From here, I travelled to a show in Galveston Texas at the beautiful San Luis Resort on the Golf of Mexico. I do more shows in Texas than any other place. I’m thinking they might have a shortage of magicians…Haha!!

Last week I got to visit the iconic Casa Bonita in Denver. The creators of South Park brought this place to life and created such a magical experience. They had magic shows, cliff divers and tons of entertainment in this restaurant. It is truly a must see if you’re in the Denver area.

It’s not often that I get the chance to tour with other magicians but I had the pleasure of performing a big show in St. Louis with comedy magician Rob Testa. We explored everything that St. Louis had to offer and collaborated on some very exciting projects that we will have planned in the New Year.

Tis the Season

With our holiday shows in full swing, we are happy to be a part of many repeat and new events. I am excited to be bringing the show to Calgary, Salt Lake City, New Orleans and a special headline show at the Tulalip Casino near Seattle on New Year’s eve.

Live in Niagara Falls

This has been my longest running residency and I couldn’t be happier to return to the Sheraton Fallsview at Casino Niagara for a 2 week run of shows. The performances run from December 21- January 4 at 8:00 pm nightly. There are no shows on December 24, 25 or 31. Tickets are available as part of a hotel package or at the door. These shows bring in thousands of guests over the 2 weeks. If you’re in Niagara over the holidays, be sure to let me know!

The Traitors Canada Season 2

Have you been watching the new season? What a season it was with a new Traitor winning it all and taking the throne. I had the chance to speak about the show with Dom from Season 1 and Bruno from 2 seasons of Big Brother which was so much fun. Did the winner take any notes from my victory in the previous season? Here is what she had to say.



I know it’s early but I wish you all the best for the upcoming holidays, a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year! Thanks for making 2024 another year to remember!